This is a quick guide on how to get OpenMP going.
My first mistake was thinking it was something that needed to be installed and configured. It's just a switch in Visual Studio 2010. Go to the project properties page. C/C++ > Language > OpenMP Support > Yes.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
#include "SerialGPS.h"
#include <omp.h>
#include <opencv/cv.h>
#include <opencv/highgui.h>
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
//set up the com port
SerialGPS GPS("COM6",4800);
SerialGPS::GPGGA GPSData={};
if (!GPS.isReady()) { return 0; }
cout << "GPS Connected Status = " << GPS.isReady() << endl;
int gpsReadCounter=0;
//create the video capture object
cv::VideoCapture cap1;;
cv::Mat Frame;
//define the shared variables between threads
#pragma omp parallel sections shared(GPSData) {
//////// FIRST CPU THREAD ////////
#pragma omp section
for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
cap1 >> Frame;
cout << " GPS Data Time = " << GPSData.GPStime << endl;
//////// SECOND CPU THREAD ////////
#pragma omp section
for (int i = 0; i<100; i++) {
if (GPS.update(GPSData, FORCE_UPDATE)) {
cout << " T=" << GPSData.GPStime << " La=" << GPSData.Lat << " Lo=" << GPSData.Lon << endl;
} else {
cout << "Error Count = " << GPS.getErrorCount() << " ";
cout << endl;
- Make sure to #include <omp.h>
- The line #pragma omp parallel sections shared(GPSData) enables the data structure, GPSData, to be accessible from either thread.
- The lines #pragma omp section define the code that is to run on an individual thread
- GPSData gets populated from the call GPS.update(GPSData, FORCE_UPDATE)
- Since we initialised all the values to 0 with SerialGPS::GPGGA GPSData={}; it doesn't matter if the camera thread gets to reading the data before the GPS update thread has populated the structure with any meaningful values.
- As soon as the the GPS thread receives a valid signal and updates GPSData accordingly this data is accessible from the camera thread.
- Note that while both threads loop while i<100, this i value is local to each thread. It's very likely that one thread will finish before the other as no synchronization is taking place here, we're just offloading the GPS updates so that it doesn't interfere with the image sampling and allows use to simply tag an image with the latest good GPS values.
This example broadly gives you an idea of how to use two threads and share a variable between them.
There's a handy OpenMP cheatsheet here (