

I'm a massive geek, not in the sense that I sit around watching old Star Trek, more that I love making stuff.

I graduated in 2008 with a Masters in Physics from Exeter University.
I then went on to work for defence company called SELEX Galileo. Having become a bit fed up with red tape I decided that I wanted to get back into research. After many side projects I was drawn towards engineering, particularly computer vision and image analysis.

I returned to Uni in 2012 to start a PhD in 3D Computer Vision - Creating 3D maps from passive cameras. This involved lots of Dense Stereo, Visual Odometry, Structure from Motion and maths. I finally graduated in 2017.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I work in Post Production on a new series for Showtime and I need some close up footage of a fingertip under a microscope. Is the below your video? Would you be interested in licensing it to us?
